The Life Death Life cycle that governs all of creation is at the heart of the romantic nature of being ALIVE.
Be it through a diagnosis, natural old age, or part of your own spiritual path - GRIEF IS THE GREATEST GATEWAY to bring us appreciation for every facet of the prism of our human experience.
Every Fear is in fact the fear of some kind of Death, yet, as a humanity, we have never been more death phobic. Therefor, when faced with death in all its multitudes of forms, we tend to become utterly overwhelmed and unable to hear one's own heart through all the noise of the circumstances bringing you onto this path. Missing out on the gift that grief has for us - which truly are the greatest gift of all: PRESENCE
It is a soul calling for me to hold a supportive space for those faced with the Fear of Death.
I facilitate creative and sacred opportunities
As therapeutic artist who is a trained member of the International End of Life Doula Association (INELDA), certified in NLP & Hypnotherapy as well as 10 years of experience in Sound & Art Therapy, feel supported as we walk together, spirit to spirit, exploring the depths of gratitude, joy, regret, tears, anger, fears, acceptance, peace & epiphanies that colour this walk alongside death, both symbolic and literal.
Services can include:
Facilitating Grief Literacy events through NLP, Art & Music Therapy and Eco-Therapy practices.
Sound baths for various functions, events, organizations & gatherings surrounding supporting palliative care.
The planning & guiding of vigils, legacy projects, wakes and ceremonial events at my beautiful private Temple Loft in Montreal or at a venue of your choice.
Hosting Grief Circles that encourages open discussions about Death and our feelings surrounding this theme.
This is a donation based offering from the Heart.
If yourself, your family or someone you love would greatly benefit from being supported at this time through my Spirit Walk offering, please fill out this form.
I will be in touch with you shortly.
If you would like to make this service possible for someone in need who may not have the financial means to donate, supporting someone's Spirit Walk is a profoundly beautiful experience.
This can be a single donation, a recurring amount made below or make a purchase from the Art of Being shop where the profits go towards providing art therapy services for those facing their fear of death.